Manchester United Not Giving Bring Christian Eriksen

Sunday, January 20, 2013
Manchester United reportedly not given up the hunt Christian Eriksen.

As is known, Eriksen himself has stated that he will stay at Ajax, at least until the season ends.

However, the Daily Express claims that the Danish youth remains a top game for United, and manager Sir Alex Ferguson has not given up is indicated to bring. 

Meanwhile, Ferguson is still looking for new players in the midfield after midfielder Darren Fletcher was ruled out until the season ends.

Keep up with the latest gossip from the transfer market and players in Indonesia. Get all the transfer news with a complete list of players who transfer any European club and Indonesia.

Rio Ferdinand: 'Stay Safe Jakarta'

Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand helped show concern over floods that hit some parts of Jakarta yesterday. 

Concern Ferdinand was demonstrated through his official Twitter account @ rioferdy5. United's senior players saw photos conditions around the fountain roundabout located at the end of Jalan MH Thamrin-Medan Merdeka Selatan-Medan Merdeka Barat-Budi glory flooded. 
Ferdinand who had visited Jakarta in late June 2011 comment by the flooding that paralyzed the capital of Indonesia. 

"Just look at this picture, I had in there where the picture was taken. Still keep the safety of Jakarta, "Ferdinand chirping. 

Throughout the two days, Jakarta was flooded. Jalan MH Thamrin-Sudirman which is the heart of the state capital was not spared from the brunt of floods, thus crippling many aspects in Jakarta. National Agency for disaster management (BNPB) released, floods swallowed 12 lives, and about 18 thousand people fled.

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Javascript History

Saturday, January 19, 2013
JavaScript was first introduced by Netscape in 1995. At first the language now called JavaScript was once named "LiveScript" "that serves as a simple language for the browser Netscape Navigator 2 are very popular at the time. Then, along with being jealous of cooperation between Netscape and Sun (the developer programming language "Java") at that time, then Netscape gave the name "JavaScript" to the language on the 4th of December 1995.
At the same time Microsoft has tried to adapt this technology they call "Jscript" in their own browser is Internet Explorer 3. JavaScript itself is a modification of the programming language C + + to write a simple pattern of the programming language C + +.
Understanding JavaScriptJavaScript is a prototype-based programming language that runs client side. If we talk in the context of the web, simply put, we can understand JavaScript as a programming language that runs in the browser or a special web pages to web pages come alive. When viewed from the syllable consists of two syllables, namely Java and Script. Java is an object-oriented programming language, while the script is a set of program instructions.
Functionally, JavaScript is used to provide access to objects embedded scripts (embedded). A simple example of the use of JavaScript is opening a pop-up page, the form validation function before the data is sent to the server, change the cursor image when passing through certain objects, and others.
What to Look For In Writing JavaScriptThat must be considered in the management of the JavaScript programming, such as JavaScript are "case sensitive," which means JavaScript distinguish uppercase and lowercase letters. If you've studied programming languages ​​such as Turbo C or C + +, the same as the programming language, where the letter T is not the same with the letter t.
In the JavaScript programming language as well, as an example of the command functions Var var should not be written and should not be written VAR (all capital letters), the truth is var (all lowercase). Other commands are new Date should not be written new date (all lowercase), and so on.
Excess JavaScriptJavaScript works on the browser side. the point is this: for displaying web pages, user write the web address in the address bar url. after that, the browser "taking" html file (the file jJvaScript attached to it if there is one) to a server located at a URL that is typed by the user. Completed files retrieved, the file displayed in the browser. Well, after being on the browser's JavaScript file, then script JavaScript is working.
The effects of Javascript that works on the browser, Javascript can respond to user commands quickly, and make web pages more responsive. JavaScript to do what can not be done by HTML, PHP, and CSS: handle things - things that require a quick response to the actions of the user.
Example: a validation function to the form. when you fill out a form to be validated using JavaScript, you type in data and then typing submit, before the data is sent to the server, the data will be "checked" first in the browser using JavaScript functions that exist on the web page. so, if you fill the data is invalid, rather than throwing out - wasted time by sending the data to the new server validation on the server and then the server sends back a response about the lack validan input your data, better form data validation checks performed locally in the browser using JavaScript functions.
Faster and More EfficientThe implementation of today's most popular programming JavaScript is AJAX techniques. (Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLHTTP). This technique is often used by web-based applications like Gmail, Google Reader, and others. Techniques that make the exchange of data between the server and the browser happens behind the scenes so that the interaction between users and web applications more responsive. Post separately to discuss this will be setup.

Installing Mikrotik Router OS

Mikrotik Router is a Linux-based operating system designed for reliable network router. Mikrotik Router does not require huge computer resources, armed with 1 Gb hard drive and proc P II we've been able to use this operating system in your company. Mikrotik has a feature that is quite complete and wireless networks. The following I will try to explain the Mikrotik router OS installation on the PC.

     Prepare first PC that will be installed Mikrotik Router OS and of course CD Mikrotik Router OS. to get iso Mikrotik Router OS you can get it in
     Once the equipment is readily available. BIOS settings of the PC. and set the first boot to cdrom then enter Mikrotik Router OS CD in the CD drive in your PC, then restart the PC, wait until the image appears below.

After the image appears above. Please select all that cool with the spacebar. if you want to install all the trimmings just press the button "A". after selecting the desired facility press the "i" to start installing.
next there will be questions "keep old configuration?" press n because we will do the configuration according to our wishes.
next there will be questions "continue?" press y to continue
wait until the installation is complete. once completed will be a request to press the enter key to restart your PC
after the restart log will appear with the contents of the User name = admin and password blank

Introduction to PHP

Some of the advantages of PHP web programming language, such as :

programming language PHP is a scripting language that does not do a compilation in its use.
2  Web server that supports PHP can be found where - where from the start apache, IIS, Lighttpd,
until Xitami with a relatively simple configuration. 
3 In the development easier, because the number of mailing lists - mailing and developers who are ready to
assist in the development.
4 In the pemahamanan, PHP is a scripting language most easily because it has a lot of references. 
5 PHP is an open source language that can be used in a variety of machines (Linux, Unix, Macintosh, Windows) and can be run through the console and also the runtime can run system commands.

IDE Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Basic 6.0 IDE
The first step of the study was to know the Visual Basic IDE (Integrated Developement Environment) which is the Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment for programmers to develop applications. By using IDE programmers can create user interfaces, perform coding, testing and debugging, and menkompilasi into executable programs. Mastery of a good IDE will help the programmer to make their jobs so that they can work efficiently.
Visual Basic 6 IDE model MDI (Multiple Document Interface). The image above shows the parts and names contained window in the Visual Basic IDE. The appearance of the window can be set by the command in the menu view. Here are some windows that are often used in making an application.
Do not know, it was love. Before you get started using Visual Basic. Preferably familiar with the terms used in the IDE using Visual Basic:
Menu bar, are used to select specific tasks such as storing project, open the project, consisting of a menu file, edit, view, project, format, debug, run, query, charts, tools, add ins, window, helpMain toolbar, a shortcut to the menus that are often used on the menu bar.Project window contains a tree structure of the project being worked on. Contains a list form, module, class, activeX used in making an application program.Form designer, this window is a place to design the user interface of the application.Toolbox window contains components that can be used to enrich the user interface.Code, this window is used to write the source code of the program.Properties window is used to view / edit the properties (properties) of the currently selected object.Color palette, is a facility to change the color of an object.Form layout, the display window will show the relevant form when runtime.
Knowing that does not mean we have to know all the functions of the window owned by IDE.
There may be some that we need not search further accelerate the process with the goal of making the program (of course your hands are itching to type code is not it?).
But the familiar IDE actually have pretty good benefits, how to make the program quickly, if each code must be typed in one by one. Or, instead preoccupied with the search for variable names are made.
Or speed up the process of debugging (search error in programming). IDE equipped for such a facility, but that's another discussion, the introduction of the IDE can be done by self-taught.

Download windows 8 Star Screen - Changing views star windows xp, visat and 7

Hallo TBB (The Brothe's Blanco)
This time i will to shrare a software  called starscreen windows 8,
brother already know what yet this software ?
Starscreen win 8 is a software that can change our star display windows into windows 8,
although the operating system brother use windows xp, vista or 7 . but wore this software brother can change to star display windows 8 .

File Download :

Software-Software Support PC

Hallo TBB (The Brother Blanco)  ^ _ ^
For this time I will share the software that can support your PC, because many are asking why how its software's could not walk and his games after they were in re isntall?? whether its missing files or file not found, well now I am posting this cuman help make your PC better and that its software can run again. Okay it follows its software:

1.Versi Most Update For DirectX 9:

Download Latest DirectX 9

2.Microsoft Visual C + + 2010 Redistributable Package):

Download MV C + + 2010 (32bit)
Download MV C + + 2012 (64bit)

3.NetFramework 3.5 SP1:

Download netframework 3.5 SP1


Download OpenAL

5.Update VGA Driver In accordance with VGA you use

Definition and Causes Blue Screen

Hallo TBB (The Brother Blanco) ^ _ ^ 
Not so many people know what the cause of the Blue Screen and how your menanggualangi her??here I will discuss about the Blue Screen. See the following article : 
Blue Screen (Blue Screen) in Windows with a writing error in the use of windows. Blue Screen was lead performance and the performance of your computer feels slow and heavy and then cause Windows Crash Bugs and occurs ultimately cause your computer can not get into Windows. You do not rush and rush straight to Install Windows XP or bring it directly to the Handyman service. Investigate the error message displayed by the Blue Screen Such. Error messages contained in the Blue Screen concluded as follows:1. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (0x0000000A)This error is most often arise in the event of the Blue Screen.This error message is usually caused because there is a mismatch driver installed on your computer.The reason:

 The existence Install Driver The clash with each other
Errors on the video card, because the overclock limit or replace a new video card while the old video card driver is not in unistal
Errors on Audio Card, inappropriately configured or a bug in the sound card driver2. NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM or FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0x00000024) or (0X00000023)This message tells an error in the hard drive connection check. It usually appears when:The existence of one of the main file system hit by virus
When the file system storage sector going bad sactor
At the time of booting severed ties with the hard drive.
We can check SATA or PATA cable or can check the partition with chkdsk tool. 

3. UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP (0X0000007F)If you get an error message like this,
    it can be caused by:
     Hardware Overclock excessive
Computer components are too hot
BIOS is corrupt
Memory and CPU are disabled 

4. DATA_BUS_ERRORThis error message may be caused memory usage errors. among other things:    Memory is broken
Installation or additional memory does not match
Memory card number in pairs are not exactly in the slot (Slack) 

5. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREAThis error message is caused due to hardware damage, including main memory, video card memory, or the memory on the processor (L2 Cache) 
6. INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICEThis error message is caused due to an error in the configuration jumper one hard drive, boot sector virus, the wrong IDE controller driver, or chipset driver error. 
7. VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILUREThis error message is caused due to an error occurs on the installation of the video card driver is less than perfect, restart during installation or can also occur because of errors in the installation of the driver. 

8. BAD_POOL_CALLERThis error message is caused due to an error can occur because of errors or incompatible driver. Often occurs when installing XP from an upgrade, or instead of a new installation. 
9. PEN_LIST_CORRUPTThis error message is caused due to damage RAM 
10. MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTIONThis error message is caused by a defective CPU, overclocked or aggressively, as well as the power supply or faulty power shortage.Warning: if in force Windows XP to install or format without losing sight of the Blue Screen Error Message after the Install Windows soon will be a crash and bluescreen again.

The Brother's Blanco Copyright © 2008-2009 | Edited By : Copyright Tanpa Nama