Definition and Causes Blue Screen

Hallo TBB (The Brother Blanco) ^ _ ^ 
Not so many people know what the cause of the Blue Screen and how your menanggualangi her??here I will discuss about the Blue Screen. See the following article : 
Blue Screen (Blue Screen) in Windows with a writing error in the use of windows. Blue Screen was lead performance and the performance of your computer feels slow and heavy and then cause Windows Crash Bugs and occurs ultimately cause your computer can not get into Windows. You do not rush and rush straight to Install Windows XP or bring it directly to the Handyman service. Investigate the error message displayed by the Blue Screen Such. Error messages contained in the Blue Screen concluded as follows:1. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (0x0000000A)This error is most often arise in the event of the Blue Screen.This error message is usually caused because there is a mismatch driver installed on your computer.The reason:

 The existence Install Driver The clash with each other
Errors on the video card, because the overclock limit or replace a new video card while the old video card driver is not in unistal
Errors on Audio Card, inappropriately configured or a bug in the sound card driver2. NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM or FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0x00000024) or (0X00000023)This message tells an error in the hard drive connection check. It usually appears when:The existence of one of the main file system hit by virus
When the file system storage sector going bad sactor
At the time of booting severed ties with the hard drive.
We can check SATA or PATA cable or can check the partition with chkdsk tool. 

3. UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP (0X0000007F)If you get an error message like this,
    it can be caused by:
     Hardware Overclock excessive
Computer components are too hot
BIOS is corrupt
Memory and CPU are disabled 

4. DATA_BUS_ERRORThis error message may be caused memory usage errors. among other things:    Memory is broken
Installation or additional memory does not match
Memory card number in pairs are not exactly in the slot (Slack) 

5. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREAThis error message is caused due to hardware damage, including main memory, video card memory, or the memory on the processor (L2 Cache) 
6. INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICEThis error message is caused due to an error in the configuration jumper one hard drive, boot sector virus, the wrong IDE controller driver, or chipset driver error. 
7. VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILUREThis error message is caused due to an error occurs on the installation of the video card driver is less than perfect, restart during installation or can also occur because of errors in the installation of the driver. 

8. BAD_POOL_CALLERThis error message is caused due to an error can occur because of errors or incompatible driver. Often occurs when installing XP from an upgrade, or instead of a new installation. 
9. PEN_LIST_CORRUPTThis error message is caused due to damage RAM 
10. MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTIONThis error message is caused by a defective CPU, overclocked or aggressively, as well as the power supply or faulty power shortage.Warning: if in force Windows XP to install or format without losing sight of the Blue Screen Error Message after the Install Windows soon will be a crash and bluescreen again.


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