Visual Basic 6.0 IDE
The first step of the study was to know the Visual Basic IDE (Integrated Developement Environment) which is the Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment for programmers to develop applications. By using IDE programmers can create user interfaces, perform coding, testing and debugging, and menkompilasi into executable programs. Mastery of a good IDE will help the programmer to make their jobs so that they can work efficiently.
Visual Basic 6 IDE model MDI (Multiple Document Interface). The image above shows the parts and names contained window in the Visual Basic IDE. The appearance of the window can be set by the command in the menu view. Here are some windows that are often used in making an application.
Do not know, it was love. Before you get started using Visual Basic. Preferably familiar with the terms used in the IDE using Visual Basic:
Menu bar, are used to select specific tasks such as storing project, open the project, consisting of a menu file, edit, view, project, format, debug, run, query, charts, tools, add ins, window, helpMain toolbar, a shortcut to the menus that are often used on the menu bar.Project window contains a tree structure of the project being worked on. Contains a list form, module, class, activeX used in making an application program.Form designer, this window is a place to design the user interface of the application.Toolbox window contains components that can be used to enrich the user interface.Code, this window is used to write the source code of the program.Properties window is used to view / edit the properties (properties) of the currently selected object.Color palette, is a facility to change the color of an object.Form layout, the display window will show the relevant form when runtime.
Knowing that does not mean we have to know all the functions of the window owned by IDE.
There may be some that we need not search further accelerate the process with the goal of making the program (of course your hands are itching to type code is not it?).
But the familiar IDE actually have pretty good benefits, how to make the program quickly, if each code must be typed in one by one. Or, instead preoccupied with the search for variable names are made.
Or speed up the process of debugging (search error in programming). IDE equipped for such a facility, but that's another discussion, the introduction of the IDE can be done by self-taught.
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